Sample Lab Report

Sample Lab Report




Take a look at the detailed quality of our reports. Let us do the specialist lab work that is involved in correctly identifying your specific mould samples and then preparing a high quality report!

New Lab Report sample video

This client wanted to test 8 of their habitable rooms for viable airborne moulds. The results showed a combination of PASS, BORDERLINE and FAIL results.

All our lab work is digitally automated for your peace of mind and to ensure technical accuracy from bench, incubator or microscope until these results are finally in your hands as a finished PDF file.

This client wanted to test 8 of their habitable rooms for viable airborne moulds. The results showed a combination of PASS, BORDERLINE and FAIL results. 

The FAIL results show exactly where the air space showed potentially dangerous levels of airborne viable moulds. The BORDERLINE results also indicate the need for caution or at least monitoring; while the PASS results show which rooms had normal levels of viable airspace mould.


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Head Office: Level 1, 459 Toorak Rd, Toorak, VIC, 3142 Lab: 7/4 Weddel Court, Laverton North VIC, 3026, Australia Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm 1300132350